The dictionary describes occultation as a concealment,
especially of one of the heavenly bodies by another. This
comes from the latin root occultus, meaning to hide. Hence
the derivation of other meanings associated with the occult
and of secret esoteric wisdoms: being beyond the range of
sense; transcending the bounds of natural knowledge;
mysterious and supernatural.
There are usually only a couple of occultations per year.
However, 1992 holds 16 occultations (listed below). Perhaps
it is therefore appropriate to investigate the astrological
implications of this amazing phenomenon.
First Principles
As with any astrological event, if one approaches the subject
rationally, it is possible to deduce from already established
principles the import of the occultation. As an occultation
is classified as an eclipse, its effects must therefore be
similar to the more common eclipses of the sun and the moon,
although not necessarily as powerful. This has it's basis in
the fact that firstly, the Sun and Moon are among the most
significant factors in the chart. Secondly, there must be
consideration that although the Moon intervenes between the
heavenly object and the observer in an occultation of one of
the planets, the light from the Sun to the planet is not
thwarted, but only gives the appearance of being so.
All factors must be fully taken into consideration and
weighed against each other before a full assessment can be
made. From the solar eclipse it can be deduced that eclipses
have a similar function to Pluto, matters pertinent to the
8th house and the nature of Scorpio. This is evidenced by
the fact that the solar eclipse brings an end to situations
through the elimination of certain factors of life which no
longer have any relevancy. This in turn allows for new
growth in one's life.
One must also balance the principles of the interactive
planets as well as the nature of the intervening planet. In
occultations the lunar factor must necessarily be taken into
consideration because of its consistent involvement. The
Moon represents the feminine principle. It is changeable,
characterising the emotions, the home, women, children, the
roots of our being and conditions at the end of life. The
earth principle is fixed and endurable.
Planetary Dysfunction
Significance must further be given to the fact that the sun
energises the lunar and planetary principles. However, it
should also be realised that in the intervention of the Moon
between the earth and a planet there can only be a perceived
dysfunction of the planetary principles. The planet is still
receiving it's light from the sun; but this is blocked to the
observer on earth.
Fundamental Truths
The occultation itself therefore has esoteric implications.
It can be analysed as meaning an obvious hidden wisdom, a
fundamental truth which is so simple that its very simplicity
conceals it's truth. The planetary energy represents a
fundamental principle which has not a beginning, nor an end.
The truth of this principle is always there, just as the
light is always there.
Nor is truth something which can be defined in the limited
language of man. This is something altogether different to
the nature of facts, which are merely empirically established
truths. Not all truth can be established in such a manner.
Rather, it is something which can only be totally perceived
with the heart. It therefore has connections with the
essence of our being and also our emotions.
It is at the time of occultations that these fundamental
truths about various principles in life must surface into the
consciousness of the individual, in relevance to that
individual's life. Therefore events in one's life affected
by the occultation also require a great deal of soul
searching as one has to reach into the depth of one's being.
The occultation must represent a relevantly significant event
in an individual's life, forcing that individual to look for
the truth of a matter. Perhaps this also has its basis in
the fact that many of us do not appreciate the value of
something until the risk of loss becomes apparent.
In order to determine the significance of each occultation,
one must look to the principle signified by each planet.
This must also be balanced by another factor. As the lunar
eclipse can only occur at full Moon (Sun opposition Moon
aspect), and as the solar eclipse can only occur at a new
moon, (Sun conjunct Moon aspect); then occultations must be
considered in light of a lunar conjunction with the planetary
principle involved, viz, Moon conjunct Venus, Moon conjunct
Mars, Moon conjunct Uranus, Moon conjunct Neptune as examples
in these instances.
Eight Principles of Life
Mercury was also known as Thoth or Hermes. He is the
messenger of the gods and protector of merchants. His
principle is Knowledge. The occultation with Mercury must
teach one a lesson of knowledge: that knowledge being of
daily life and how to cope with it. This aspect is benign,
and can only be perceived through the amalgamation of the
mind and the senses. Restlessness and a need for change must
be symptomatic of this occultation.
Venus is the ancient goddess of Love, desire and harmony.
She is associated with the Greek Aphrodite and Babylonian
Ishtar. She was daughter of Uranus, and was born after
Cronos castrated his father and threw his genitals into the
sea. From the waves emerged Aphrodite: and where she walked
on land, grass sprang at her feet. Hence she was the
protector of sailors, and a goddess of fertility. The
occultation with Venus must teach one the true value of love
and balance, through one's relationships with others.
Perhaps it also inspires new life, in whatever form.
Mars is the ancient god which was the spirit of the season of
growth and harvest, and also of the season of warfare. He
was the initiator, the protector. For these he needed the
qualities of strength, force and Courage. The occultation
with Mars suggests that one must learn how to handle energy
and willpower, knowing how and when to use such energy
appropriately. It therefore gives us the courage to face
whatever life has to hold.
Jupiter's domain is Wisdom, from his absorption of the
characteristics of the ancient Etruscan goddess Minerva. He
was the god of the Sun and rain, and was equivalent to the
Greek god Zeus. The search for wisdom is often a long one;
and the occultation with Jupiter must generate a situation
where one may add to his store of wisdom through being
forced to take an overview of an entire situation. Perhaps
one needs to be more broadminded with life; but may also need
to learn the negative implications of excess, self
righteousness and arrogance.
The Roman god for the seed and sowing (particularly in
the winter season) was Saturn. By association with the Greek
god Cronos, he also ruled time. Saturn's sphere of practical
influence is experience and Reason. The old biblical saying
of "a time to reap, and a time to sow" is associated with
this ancient deity. The occultation with Saturn must suggest
that there are some fairly difficult lessons to be realised
through experience, hard work and perhaps loss. There is a
time and place for everything.
According to ancient Greek legends, Uranus or Ouranus
(Heaven), was the son and husband of Gaea (Earth) was father
of the Titans, the Furies and Cyclops. His name is derived
from the Greek "ouraios" which means "of a tail, serpent",
and hence his relation to the various ancient stories of
creation. His theme is one of origin, being the male
essence in the mother/father god concept. Hence Originality
is his main principle. The occultation with Uranus calls for
one to be entirely creative and original in handling a
situation. This perhaps gives rise to a greater degree of
independence. This can perhaps be upsetting to those who are
inflexible in their ways.
Neptune (alias Poseiden) was god of the sea and freshwater.
Poseiden, was the brother of Zeus, son of Cronos and Gaea.
His name literally means "Lord of the earth". He was also
god of earthquakes. His general character was violent and
inspired fear. Hence his association with the unknown, the
intangible world of all that is not physical; of the twelfth
house associations with sorrow. This is the planet, which by
positive polarity, must relate to Inspiration, spirituality,
and concepts. The occultation with Neptune must necessarily
evoke one to reach into the depths of their subconscious and
to face their fears. This process can cause much
disorientation and confusion. However, In doing so, the
phantoms disappear and the essence of life can then be
perceived with the senses. This perhaps gives birth to a new
Pluto, also known as Hades, was also the brother of Zeus.
Hades means "not see". Therefore he was god of the unseen,
of the underworld, and lord of the dead. He won the realm of
the underworld, when he and his brothers Zeus and Poseiden
cast lots for the division of the world. As death is a
transformation, this is one of the characteristics of
Plutonian energy. In order to reach this state, one has to
go to the depths of the unseen in order to be reborn. The
principles of destruction and creation are allied to Pluto.
Another word for this is Regeneration. The occultation with
Pluto must force one to acknowledge their own part in a
greater cycle of life and death. Therefore many things in
life must pass away, in order to make room for new growth.
Often deep emotional responses are evoked for fear of the
unseen and lack of personal control. But in facing these,
even on the most trivial of levels, one learns to cope with
and become part of the eternal flux of life.
Apart from the implications for the individual, there are
further conclusions which can be drawn from the numerous
occultations which occur during 1992. This must have
significations for mankind as a whole. It seems that 1992
will be a year of revelation of important spiritual and
humanistic principles, that must necessarily uplift the
consciousness of mankind.