spell against abuse

You must have a black candle which you light. Pick up the black candle and say 8 times on eight consecutive days:

xAbuse of me must stop,
xHurting me must stop.
xNAME* must go out of my sight."

As the flame burns down, say:

"All NAME's power over me has gone. I shall be free from harm."

On the 8th day, after finishing the ritual, wrap the black candle in a black serviette and bury it.

*NAME is the person who is abusing you.

© Copyright Gloria Taylor, 2000

the mystic realm

the mystic realm

the mystic realm

the mystic realm

the mystic realm

the mystic realm

the mystic realm

the mystic realm

the mystic realm

the mystic realm

the mystic realm

the mystic realm

the mystic realm

the mystic realm

the mystic realm

the mystic realm