astrology of the resurrection
The second coming

Like many biblical accounts there are similar stories throughout various ancient cultures, and the resurrection is no different. The symbolisms of Jesus and the Egyptian god Osiris are the same and are embodied in celestial events focused on Orion. Both were sons of god, the sons of kings. Both died and were resurrected again, and hold the key to eternal life for their people. Even the name Jesus (Greek Iesous) means “the great of magic” and is related to the Egyptian names Isis and the feminine form of Re (Iusaas).1 Jesus birthday is celebrated on the feast of Horus, who as Re-Harakhte, was also a sungod. The links are not surprising considering the connection between the Hebrews and Egyptians during their sojourn in Egypt, with Moses (another Egyptian name) being raised as a son of Pharaoh. It can also been seen that the Resurrection which links Osiris-Jesus is intimately connected to the heliacal rising of the constellation Orion, with which Osiris was intimately connected. The Babylonians knew this constellation as Sitaddalu, the great shepherd who tended his flock (the stars) - another symbolism of Jesus.

Orion stands at the great celestial cross-roads, the permanent intersection of the galactic plane (Milky Way) and the ecliptic (the apparent path of the sun from earth or the actual orbital plane of the earth around the sun), marking the outer edge of the galaxy . In the age when the Great Pyramid was built, the plane of the celestial equator also aligned with this point so that the sun rose in conjunction with Orion - Osiris at the northern spring equinox in the mid-fifth millenium BC, an event which happens once around very 26,000 years. This was a very potent symbolism, in itself, for eternal life, something reflected in the eternal celestial and natural cycles. It was at this point in time that the rebirth of Osiris began gradually taking place, over a Celestial Age, on the Western Horizon as Lord of the Dead at the spring equinoxial dawn, with the western horizon being associated with the dead by the ancient Egyptians.

At the time of Jesus, the two celestial systems of the tropical and sidereal zodiacs were coming into alignment, thus giving Christianity the symbolism of the fish and the lamb, representing Pisces and Aries, respectively.

The crucifixion occurred three days before the northern spring equinox,2 giving astrological meaning to the resurrection three days after his death, for this was when the sun was reborn with the whole of nature at the spring equinox. His death was preceded by a total solar eclipse located at 0 degrees 21 minutes Aries of the sidereal zodiac, or 26 degrees 51 Pisces of the tropical zodiac. Adjacent to this eclipse position was Venus, the brightest celestial body after the Sun and Moon which were then not giving their light.

Orion at eclipse timeOrion in midheaven at the time of solar eclipse (at the time of the crucifixion).



The powerful imagery for the birth of a new religion does not end here. At the exact time of the eclipse, the symbol of Orion-Jesus-Osiris was conjunct the mid-heaven adjacent to the great celestial cross of the Milky Way and ecliptic as Jesus hung on the cross. As the eclipsed sun emerged from darkness, Jesus commended his spirit into the hands of his father. At this time, the temple of God (the heavens) was torn in two with the division of day from night when sunset occurred. Then, as a sign in the heavens, the magnificent constellation of Orion could be seen above the western horizon as Lord of the Dead, accompanied by the stars (who were saints raised up).

Orion at sunsetOrion in west at sunset on the day of the crucifixion.

Jesus had surely spoken the truth when he spoke about the sign of his coming and the end of the age, “The sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven ... and then will appear the sign of the sun of man in heaven”3. This perfectly describes his crucifixion and resurrection when there was a solar eclipse in the afternoon of his death (1pm LMT) at a time when the stars were falling towards their setting and Orion appeared above the western horizon after sunset.

In the coming months, Orion would disappear from sight as the sun journeyed through that part of the sky, eventually being reborn in the second resurrection at the approach of summer, seated at the right hand of the father, just as Jesus predicted through the sign of the figtree.

The second comingOrion rising heliacally at the summer solstice in the era of Jesus.

The entire prophecy of the second coming has already been fulfilled with the heliacal rising (and resurrection) of Orion on the eastern horizon of life at the summer solstice dawn in his age. This fact of astronomy is reflected in Jesus’ statement: “From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things you know that he is near, at the very gates. Truly I say to you that this generation will not pass away till all these things take place.”4Jesus made this statement in response to a question about the second coming and the close of the age. The Age of Aries ended around 300 AD and thus began the New Age of Pisces. the second coming has already taken place as has the tribulation.

The imagery of the second coming is a powerful one for, as one faced east at dawn in that age, Orion sat at the right had of power on the eastern horizon as the Father, Re or the Sun, rose at the summer solstice dawn. Where there is reference to the son of man holding a sharp sickle in his hand, the imagery can be seen in Orion holding the Sword of Orion.

1 Moroney, A., “Pathway to Atlantis”, Sydney, 1998, p 152
2 Moroney, A., “Pathway to Atlantis”, Sydney, 1998, p 157
3 Matthew 24: 29-30
4 Matthew 24: 32-34

This is the original work of Alison Moroney and was published on the internet on August 11, 1999 and previously in her book Pathway to Atlantis(1998).

Copyright © Alison Moroney, 1994